After a few time without Paladins datamining it’s back, new 3 champions have been found!
Post should be finished now, anyway it may get any update if I’m able to find anything new in newer scans.
Please remember this is Datamining and not everything may end coming in Live client.
Probably called the WitchDoctor
- General Info
- Maldune Snake
- Mega Turret
- General Info
- Ultimate Alert
- Support Ability
- Ability – Ancient Rage
- Ability -Makoa Cannon
- Ability – Dredge
- Ability – ShellSpin
- Ability – Smash
- General info
- Ultimate Whirlpool
- Has a shield
Been to much time since I don’t extract the minimaps so I will release any I found, I know some are old maps but let me know if someone is new (I barely play paladins now, so no idea how is it going)