Sunday , 10 March 2024

Paladins Datamining – Ability Cards

First Paladins datamining article bringing all Ability Cards.

First of all, welcome to Paladins.. the new game from Hi-rez. If you didn’t know about its existance check this website, and also the first fansite website.

What’s an Ability Card?

An ability card will power up champion’s abilities, every champion is affected by different stats by some cards while others do the same effects. There are also some unique cards for which belongs to a champion.

I will be listing the cards by Champions, so you can read them all!


[Legendary ImmolateBarik[Explosive Shell.] Deal 100/200/300/400/500 more damage. If the target is on Fire, the fire spreads to all nearby targets dealing 200/400/600/800/1000 damage over 3s.
[Legendary] Chain ReactionBarik+{15/30/45/60/75} bonus damage. If the target is on Fire, deal {50/100/150/200/250} area damage.
[Legendary] Frozen ShellBarik[Explosive Shell.] Damage changes to Ice and freezes all targets for 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2s. If a target hit is frozen, deal 150/300/450/600/750 damage in an area.
[ULTRA] Battle FocusBarik+{16/32/48/64/80}% Attack Speed
[ULTRA] BerserkBarik{0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
[ULTRA] EvolveBarik+{20/40/60/80/100}% maximum Health.
*OLD* EvolveBarik+{10/20/30/40/50}% maximum Health.
Achilles HeelBarik+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are slowed
Acid RoundsBarik+{10/20/30/40/50} bonus damage per hit and Poison target reducing healing by 50%
Anti-AirBarik+{25/50/75/100/125}% more damage to targets in the air.
Armor PiercerBarikDeal 15/30/45/60/75% more weapon damage while your stim is active.
Battle FocusBarikBoost your attack speed by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Battle FocusBarik+{8/16/24/32/40}% Attack Speed
Battle FrenzyBarikConsuming a health drop lowers all cooldowns by {20/40/60/80/100}%.
BerserkBarik{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
BiohazardBarik{5/10/15/20/25}% chance to deal 232 dmg over 4s and reduce healing by 50%
BlessedBarikHeals are {20/40/60/80/100}% more effective on you.
BloodlustBarik{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% more damage for each 1% missing of your Health.
Break freeBarik[Rocket Boots.] Break all Crowd Control and Status Effects, and become immune to new ones for {2/4/6/8/10}s.
CelerityBarikBoost your attack speed by 15/30/45/60/75% while your stim is active.
ChronosBarikYour abilities refresh {20/40/60/80/100}% faster.
Col FireBarikTurret shots slow targets hit by 8/16/24/32/40% for 2s and deal 20/40/60/80/100 bonus damage.
ComebackBarikCards recharge {20/40/60/80/100}% faster
ConflagrateBarik[Explosive Shell.] Burn enemies for {64/128/192/256/320} damage over 4s.
Dark EnergyBarikDeal full damage {40/80/120/160/200}% farther away
DiminishBarikno description
Double TimeBarikYou may now have two turrets out at once. Turrets have 100/200/300/400/500 more Health.
EvolveBarik+{10/20/30/40/50}% maximum Health.
Exit StrategyBarikExit combat {18/36/54/72/90}% faster.
FateBarik{10/20/30/40/50}% chance to deal double weapon damage
FinisherBarik+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are stunned
ForethoughtBarik+{5/10/15/20/25}% more experience
FrostbiteBarik{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to slow by 50% and deal 150 damage over 3s
FrostfireBarik5/10/15/20/25% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s.
Frozen ShellBarik[Explosive Shell.] Slow enemies by {10/20/30/40/50}%.
GatherBarikHealth drops restore {20/40/60/80/100}% more Health instantly.
GlaciateBarik{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to freeze enemies for 1.25s.
HeadstrongBarikTake 3/6/9/12/15% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
HeadstrongBarik{2/4/6/8/10}% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
ImpactBarik[Rocket Boots.] +{12/24/36/48/60}% damage for 4s upon activation
InflameBarik{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to deal 10% of your target’s maximum Health over 3s
InsurmountableBarik{150/300/450/600/750} damage shield while mounted.
Kill to HealBarikKills restore {20/40/60/80/100}% of your maximum Health.
KillstreakBarik+{2/4/6/8/10}% damage per kill, max 5. Expires on death.
King of the HillBarikMitigate damage by 10/20/30/40/50% while near an objective.
King of the HillBarik{6/12/18/24/30}% reduced damage while near an objective.
Life RipBarik+{10/20/30/40/50}% Lifesteal with weapon attacks
LightblastBarik{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to blind enemies for 2s
Master RidingBarik+{20/40/60/80/100}% Movement Speed while mounted and mount 2x faster.
MasterfulBarikConsecutive attacks stack increasing damage by {1.6/3.2/4.8/6.4/8}% (max 6 stacks)
Mortal WoundBarikno description
NimbleBarikYou move 10/20/30/40/50% faster.
NimbleBarik+{7/14/21/28/35}% Movement Speed
OvercomeBarikArea damage is 10/20/30/40/50% less effective against you.
OvercomeBarikTake {5/10/15/20/25}% less from area damage
OverdriveBarik[Turret.] Increase Turret Attack Speed by {10/20/30/40/50}%.
PrecisionBarik+{30/60/90/120/150}% damage to farther targets
PyromancerBarik+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are on fire.
Queen of the HillBarikGain 250/500/750/1000/1250 HP5 while near an objective.
Queen of the HillBarik+{150/300/450/600/750} HP5 while near an objective
Quick DrawBarik[Rocket Boots.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed for 4s upon activation
ResilienceBarik-{20/40/60/80/100}% duration of crowd control and negative status effects
SabotageBarik+{20/40/60/80/100}% damage to objectives and player-made defenses
ScorchBarik{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s
Shell ShockBarikno description
SnowballBarik{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to slow enemies by 50% for 2s
StabilizeBarik+{4/8/12/16/20}% weapon accuracy
StaggerBarik[Rocket Boots.] Stun targets you boost through for {0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2}s
Thunderous GraceBarikno description
Tracer RoundsBarikWeapon shots travel 50/100/150/200/250% faster while your stim is active.
TranquilizerBarik4/8/12/16/20% chance to disorient enemies for 2s.
TyrannyBarik+1% damage for each {5/4/3/2/1}% missing of your enemy’s Health
Victory RushBarik+{20/40/60/80/100}% Atk Spd and +{10/20/30/40/50}% Move Spd for 4s after a kill


[Legendary] Chain ReactionCassie+{10/20/30/40/50} bonus damage. If the target is on Fire, deal {35/70/105/140/175} area damage.
[Legendary] Frostbear ArrowCassie[Blast Shot.] Damage changes to Ice and freezes all targets for 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2s. If a target hit is frozen, deal 150/300/450/600/750 damage in an area.
[Ultra] BerserkCassie{0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
[Ultra] EvolveCassie+{20/40/60/80/100}% maximum Health.
[Ultra] Battle FocusCassie+{16/32/48/64/80}% Attack Speed
Achilles HeelCassie+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are slowed
Acid RoundsCassie+{8/16/24/32/40} bonus damage per hit and Poison target reducing healing by 50%
Acid RoundsCassie4/8/12/16/20% chance to reduce healing by 100% and increase damage taken by 20%.
Anti-AirCassie+{25/50/75/100/125}% more damage to targets in the air.
Battle FenzyCassieConsuming a health drop lowers all cooldowns by {20/40/60/80/100}%.
Battle FocusCassieBoost your attack speed by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Battle FocusCassie+{8/16/24/32/40}% Attack Speed
BerserkCassie{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
BiohazardCassie{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to deal 232 dmg over 4s and reduce healing by 50%
Blast ShowerCassie[Blast Shot] You now instead shoot 3 smaller blast shots in succession, each dealing 100/200/300/400/500 damage and knocking back.
BlessedCassieHeals are {20/40/60/80/100}% more effective on you.
BloodlustCassie{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% more damage for each 1% missing of your Health.
Break FreeCassie[Dodge Roll.] Break all Crowd Control and Status Effects, and become immune to new ones for {2/4/6/8/10}s.
ChronosCassieYour abilities refresh {20/40/60/80/100}% faster.
ComebackCassieCards recharge {20/40/60/80/100}% faster
ControlCassie[Dodge Roll.] Deal {80/160/240/320/400} damage and root enemies when you roll.
Dark EnergyCassieDeal full damage {40/80/120/160/200}% farther away
DiminishCassieNo Description
Dragonfire ArrowCassie[Blast Shot.] Burn enemies for {64/128/192/256/320} damage over 4s.
EvolveCassie+{10/20/30/40/50}% maximum Health.
Exit StrategyCassieExit combat {18/36/54/72/90}% faster.
Fatal SignCassie[Scout.] Revealed enemies have {20/40/60/80/100}% reduced Healing.
FateCassie{8/16/24/32/40}% chance to deal double weapon damage
FinisherCassie+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are stunned
FleeCassie[Dodge Roll.] Increase your movement by {20/40/60/80/100}% after rolling.
ForethoughtCassie+{5/10/15/20/25}% more experience
Frostbear ArrowCassie[Blast Shot.] Slow enemies by {10/20/30/40/50}%.
FrostbiteCassie{3/6/9/12/15}% chance to slow by 50% and deal 150 damage over 3s
FrostfireCassie5/10/15/20/25% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s.
GatherCassieHealth drops restore {20/40/60/80/100}% more Health instantly.
GlaciateCassie{3/6/9/12/15}% chance to freeze enemies for 1.25s.
HeadstrongCassieTake 3/6/9/12/15% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
HeadstrongCassie{2/4/6/8/10}% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
ImpactCassie[Dodge Roll.] +{12/24/36/48/60}% damage for 4s upon activation
InflameCassie{3/6/9/12/15}% chance to deal 10% of your target’s maximum Health over 3s
InsurmountableCassie{150/300/450/600/750} damage shield while mounted.
Kill to HealCassieKills restore {20/40/60/80/100}% of your maximum Health.
KillstreakCassie+{2/4/6/8/10}% damage per kill, max 5. Expires on death.
King of the HillCassieMitigate damage by 10/20/30/40/50% while near an objective.
King of the HillCassie{6/12/18/24/30}% reduced damage while near an objective.
Life RiperCassie+{10/20/30/40/50}% Lifesteal with weapon attacks
LightblastCassie{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to blind enemies for 2s
Manticore ArrowCassie[Blast Shot.] Deal {32/64/96/128/160} damage over 4s and reduce Healing by 50%.
Master RidingCassie+{20/40/60/80/100}% Movement Speed while mounted and mount 2x faster.
MasterfulCassieConsecutive attacks stack increasing damage by {1.6/3.2/4.8/6.4/8}% (max 6 stacks)
Mortal WoundCassieNo Description
NimbleCassieYou move 10/20/30/40/50% faster.
NimbleCassie+{7/14/21/28/35}% Movement Speed
OvercomeCassieArea damage is 10/20/30/40/50% less effective against you.
OvercomeCassieTake {5/10/15/20/25}% less from area damage
PrecisionCassie+{30/60/90/120/150}% damage to farther targets
Queen of the HillCassieGain 250/500/750/1000/1250 HP5 while near an objective.
Queen of the HillCassie+{150/300/450/600/750} HP5 while near an objective
Quick DrawCassie[Dodge Roll.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed for 4s upon activation
ResilienceCassie-{20/40/60/80/100}% duration of crowd control and negative status effects
SabotageCassie+{20/40/60/80/100}% damage to objectives and player-made defenses
ScorchCassie{3/6/9/12/15}% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s
Shell ShockCassieNo Description
SnowballCassie{3/6/9/12/15}% chance to slow enemies by 50% for 2s
StabilizeCassie+{4/8/12/16/20}% weapon accuracy
Thunderous GraceCassieNo Description
TranquilizerCassie4/8/12/16/20% chance to disorient enemies for 2s.
TyrannyCassie+1% damage for each {5/4/3/2/1}% missing of your enemy’s Health
Victory RushCassie+{20/40/60/80/100}% Atk Spd and +{10/20/30/40/50}% Move Spd for 4s after a kill
Wide RangeCassie[Scout.] Increase visibility range by {30/60/90/120/150}%.


[Legendary] Bathed in FlameFernando[Fireball.] Deal 100/200/300/400/500 more damage. If the target is on Fire, the fire spreads to all nearby targets dealing 200/400/600/800/1000 damage over 3s.
[Legendary] Blast of HailFernando[Fireball.] Damage changes to Ice and freezes all targets for 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2s. If a target hit is frozen, deal 150/300/450/600/750 damage in an area.
[Legendary] Chain ReactionFernando+{2/4/6/8/10} bonus damage. If the target is on Fire, deal {4/8/12/16/20} area damage.
[ULTRA] Battle FocusFernando+{16/32/48/64/80}% Attack Speed
[ULTRA] BerserkFernando{0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
[ULTRA] EvolveFernando+{20/40/60/80/100}% maximum Health.
Achilles HeelFernando+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are slowed
Acid RoundsFernando4/8/12/16/20% chance to reduce healing by 100% and increase damage taken by 20%.
Acid RoundsFernando+{1/2/3/4/5} bonus damage per hit and Poison target reducing healing by 50%
AegisFernando[Shield.] +{600/1200/1800/2400/3000} Shield Health
Anti-AirFernando+{25/50/75/100/125}% more damage to targets in the air.
Battle FocusFernandoBoost your attack speed by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Battle FocusFernando+{8/16/24/32/40}% Attack Speed
Battle FrenzyFernandoConsuming a health drop lowers all cooldowns by {20/40/60/80/100}%.
BerserkFernando{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
BiohazardFernando{1/2/3/4/5}% chance to deal 232 dmg over 4s and reduce healing by 50%
BlessedFernandoHeals are {20/40/60/80/100}% more effective on you.
BloodlustFernando{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% more damage for each 1% missing of your Health.
Break freeFernando[Charge.] Break all Crowd Control and Status Effects, and become immune to new ones for {2/4/6/8/10}s.
ChronosFernandoYour abilities refresh {20/40/60/80/100}% faster.
ComebackFernandoCards recharge {20/40/60/80/100}% faster
Dark EnergyFernandoDeal full damage {40/80/120/160/200}% farther away
DiminishFernandono description
EvolveFernando+{10/20/30/40/50}% maximum Health.
Exit StrategyFernandoExit combat {18/36/54/72/90}% faster.
FateFernando{8/16/24/32/40}% chance to deal double weapon damage
FinisherFernando+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are stunned
ForethoughtFernando+{5/10/15/20/25}% more experience
FrostbiteFernando{1/1.5/2/2.5/3}% chance to slow by 50% and deal 150 damage over 3s
FrostfireFernando5/10/15/20/25% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s.
GatherFernandoHealth drops restore {20/40/60/80/100}% more Health instantly.
GlaciateFernando{1/1.5/2/2.5/3}% chance to freeze enemies for 1.25s.
HeadstrongFernandoTake 3/6/9/12/15% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
HeadstrongFernando{2/4/6/8/10}% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
ImpactFernando[Charge.] +{12/24/36/48/60}% damage for 4s upon activation
IncinerateFernando[Fireball.] Burn enemies for {80/160/240/320/400} damage over 4s.
InflameFernando{1/1.5/2/2.5/3}% chance to deal 10% of your target’s maximum Health over 3s
InsurmountableFernando{150/300/450/600/750} damage shield while mounted.
Kill to HealFernandoKills restore {20/40/60/80/100}% of your maximum Health.
KillstreakFernando+{2/4/6/8/10}% damage per kill, max 5. Expires on death.
King of the HillFernandoMitigate damage by 10/20/30/40/50% while near an objective.
King of the HillFernando{6/12/18/24/30}% reduced damage while near an objective.
Lance StrikeFernando[Charge.] Deal {120/240/360/480/600} damage to enemies you collide with.
Life RipFernando+{10/20/30/40/50}% Lifesteal with weapon attacks
LightblastFernando4/8/12/16/20% chance to blind enemies for 2s.
Master RidingFernando+{20/40/60/80/100}% Movement Speed while mounted and mount 2x faster.
MasterfulFernandoConsecutive attacks stack increasing damage by {1.6/3.2/4.8/6.4/8}% (max 6 stacks)
Mortal WoundFernandono description
NimbleFernandoYou move 10/20/30/40/50% faster.
NimbleFernando+{7/14/21/28/35}% Movement Speed
OvercomeFernandoArea damage is 10/20/30/40/50% less effective against you.
OvercomeFernandoTake {5/10/15/20/25}% less from area damage
PrecisionFernandoDeal 30/60/90/120/150% more damage to farther targets.
PyromancerFernando+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are on fire.
Queen of the HillFernandoGain 250/500/750/1000/1250 HP5 while near an objective.
Queen of the HillFernando+{150/300/450/600/750} HP5 while near an objective
Quick DrawFernando[Charge.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed for 4s upon activation
ResilienceFernando-{20/40/60/80/100}% duration of crowd control and negative status effects
SabotageFernando+{20/40/60/80/100}% damage to objectives and player-made defenses
ScorchFernando{1/1.5/2/2.5/3}% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s
ShellFernando[Shield.] Reduce your damage taken by {20/40/60/80/100}% while Shield is active
Shell ShockFernandono description
SlamFernando[Fireball.] Stun enemies for {0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}s.
SnowballFernando{1/1.5/2/2.5/3}% chance to slow enemies by 50% for 2s
StabilizeFernando+{4/8/12/16/20}% weapon accuracy
SubdueFernando[Charge.] Root enemies you collide with for {0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2}s.
TenacityFernandoReduce the cooldown of Charge by 20/40/60/80/100% whenever you collide with an enemy player using Charge.
Thunderous GraceFernandoDeal {0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5}% of target’s maximum Health per hit
TranquilizerFernando4/8/12/16/20% chance to disorient enemies for 2s.
TyrannyFernando+1% damage for each {5/4/3/2/1}% missing of your enemy’s Health
Victory RushFernando+{20/40/60/80/100}% Atk Spd and +{10/20/30/40/50}% Move Spd for 4s after a kill


[Ultra] Battle FocusMina+{16/32/48/64/80}% Attack Speed
[Ultra] BerserkMina{0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
[Ultra] EvolveMina+{20/40/60/80/100}% maximum Health.
Achilles HeelMina+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are slowed
Acid RoundsMina4/8/12/16/20% chance to reduce healing by 100% and increase damage taken by 20%.
AftershockMina[Blink.] Deal {100/200/300/400/500} damage when you Blink.
AvalancheMina[Ice Blast.] Deal {100/200/300/400/500} bonus damage.
Battle FocusMinaBoost your attack speed by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Battle FocusMina+{8/16/24/32/40}% Attack Speed
Battle FrenzyMinaConsuming a Health drop lowers all cooldowns by {20/40/60/80/100}%.
BerserkMina{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
BlessedMinaHeals are {20/40/60/80/100}% more effective on you.
BloodlustMina{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% more damage for each 1% missing of your Health.
ChronosMinaYour abilities refresh {20/40/60/80/100}% faster.
ComebackMinaCards recharge {20/40/60/80/100}% faster
Dark EnergyMinaDeal full damage {40/80/120/160/200}% farther away
DiminishMinaNo Description
EvolveMina+{10/20/30/40/50}% maximum Health.
Exit StrategyMinaExit combat {18/36/54/72/90}% faster.
FinisherMina+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are stunned
ForethoughtMina+{5/10/15/20/25}% more experience
FrostfireMina5/10/15/20/25% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s.
GatherMinaHealth drops restore {20/40/60/80/100}% more Health instantly.
GlaciateMina{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to freeze enemies for 1.25s.
HeadstrongMinaTake 3/6/9/12/15% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
HeadstrongMina{2/4/6/8/10}% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
ImpactMina[Blink.] +{12/24/36/48/60}% damage for 4s upon activation
InsurmountableMina{150/300/450/600/750} damage shield while mounted.
KillstreakMina+{2/4/6/8/10}% damage per kill, max 5. Expires on death.
King of the HillMinaMitigate damage by 10/20/30/40/50% while near an objective.
King of the HillMina{6/12/18/24/30}% while near an objective.
LightblastMina4/8/12/16/20% chance to blind enemies for 2s.
Master RidingMina+{20/40/60/80/100}% Movement Speed while mounted and mount 2x faster.
MasterfulMinaConsecutive attacks stack increasing damage by {1.6/3.2/4.8/6.4/8}% (max 6 stacks)
Mortal WoundMinaNo Description
NimbleMinaYou move 10/20/30/40/50% faster.
NimbleMina+{7/14/21/28/35}% Movement Speed
OvercomeMinaArea damage is 10/20/30/40/50% less effective against you.
OvercomeMinaTake {5/10/15/20/25}% less from area damage
PrecisionMinaDeal 30/60/90/120/150% more damage to farther targets.
Queen of the HillMinaGain 250/500/750/1000/1250 HP5 while near an objective.
Queen of the HillMina+{150/300/450/600/750} HP5 while near an objective
Quick DrawMina[Blink.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed for 4s upon activation
ResilienceMina-{20/40/60/80/100}% duration of crowd control and negative status effects
SabotageMina+{20/40/60/80/100}% damage to objectives and player-made defenses
Shell ShockMinaNo Description
StabilizeMina+{4/8/12/16/20}% weapon accuracy
TeleportMina[Blink.] Range increased by {20/40/60/80/100}%.
Thunderous GraceMinaNo Description
TranquilizerMina4/8/12/16/20% chance to disorient enemies for 2s.
TyrannyMina+1% damage for each {5/4/3/2/1}% missing of your enemy’s Health
Victory RushMina+{20/40/60/80/100}% Atk Spd and +{10/20/30/40/50}% Move Spd for 4s after a kill


[Legendary] Chain ReactionPip+{15/30/45/60/75} bonus damage. If the target is on Fire, deal {50/100/150/200/250} area damage.
[Legendary] Freezin FlaskPip[Explosive Flask.] Damage changes to Ice and freezes all targets for 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2s. If a target hit is frozen, deal 150/300/450/600/750 damage in an area.
[ULTRA] Battle FocusPip+{16/32/48/64/80}% Attack Speed
[ULTRA] BerserkPip{0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
[ULTRA] EvolvePip+{20/40/60/80/100}% maximum Health.
*OLD* CelerityPip[Elixir.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed.
Achilles HeelPip+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are slowed
Acid RoundsPip4/8/12/16/20% chance to reduce healing by 100% and increase damage taken by 20%.
Acid RoundsPip+{10/20/30/40/50} bonus damage per hit and Poison target reducing healing by 50%
Anti-AirPip+{25/50/75/100/125}% more damage to targets in the air.
Armor PiercerPip[Elixir.] {15/30/45/60/75}% more weapon damage.
BackfirePip[Elixir.] Upon activation, knockback enemies and deal {160/320/480/640/800} damage.
Battle FocusPipBoost your attack speed by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Battle FocusPip+{8/16/24/32/40}% Attack Speed
Battle FrenzyPipConsuming a Health drop lowers all cooldowns by {20/40/60/80/100}%.
BerserkPip{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
BiohazardPip{5/10/15/20/25}% chance to deal 232 dmg over 4s and reduce healing by 50%
BlessedPipHeals are {20/40/60/80/100}% more effective on you.
BloodlustPip{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% more damage for each 1% missing of your Health.
Break freePip[Scurry.] Break all Crowd Control and Status Effects, and become immune to new ones for {2/4/6/8/10}s.
CelerityPip[Elixir.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed.
ChronosPipYour abilities refresh {20/40/60/80/100}% faster.
ComebackPipCards recharge {20/40/60/80/100}% faster
Dark EnergyPipDeal full damage {40/80/120/160/200}% farther away
DazePip[Explosive Flask.] Blind enemies for {0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2}s.
DiminishPipno description
EvolvePip+{10/20/30/40/50}% maximum Health.
Exit StrategyPipExit combat {18/36/54/72/90}% faster.
FatePip{10/20/30/40/50}% chance to deal double weapon damage
FinisherPip+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are stunned
ForethoughtPip+{5/10/15/20/25}% more experience
FrostbitePip{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to slow by 50% and deal 150 damage over 3s
FrostfirePip5/10/15/20/25% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s.
GatherPipHealth drops restore {20/40/60/80/100}% more Health instantly
GlaciatePip{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to freeze enemies for 1.25s.
GravitonPp+{10/20/30/40/50}% explosion radius on your weapon shots
HeadstrongPipTake 3/6/9/12/15% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
HeadstrongPip{2/4/6/8/10}% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
ImpactPip[Scurry.] +{12/24/36/48/60}% damage for 4s upon activation
InflamePip{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to deal 10% of your target’s maximum Health over 3s
InsurmountablePip{150/300/450/600/750} damage shield while mounted.
Kill to HealPipKills restore {20/40/60/80/100}% of your maximum Health.
KillstreakPip+{2/4/6/8/10}% damage per kill, max 5. Expires on death.
King of the HillPipMitigate damage by 10/20/30/40/50% while near an objective.
King of the HillPip{6/12/18/24/30}% reduced damage while near an objective.
Life RipPip+{10/20/30/40/50}% Lifesteal with weapon attacks
LightblastPip4/8/12/16/20% chance to blind enemies for 2s.
MarathonPip[Scurry.] Lasts {1/2/3/4/5}s longer.
Master RidingPip+{20/40/60/80/100}% Movement Speed while mounted and mount 2x faster.
MasterfulPipConsecutive attacks stack increasing damage by {1.6/3.2/4.8/6.4/8}% (max 6 stacks)
Mortal WoundPipno description
NimblePipYou move 10/20/30/40/50% faster.
NimblePip+{7/14/21/28/35}% Movement Speed
ObliteratePip[Explosive Flask.] Deal {100/200/300/400/500} bonus damage
OvercomePipArea damage is 10/20/30/40/50% less effective against you.
OvercomePipTake {5/10/15/20/25}% less from area damage
PrecisionPipDeal 30/60/90/120/150% more damage to farther targets.
Queen of the HillPipGain 250/500/750/1000/1250 HP5 while near an objective.
Queen of the HillPip+{150/300/450/600/750} HP5 while near an objective
Quick DrawPip[Scurry.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed for 4s upon activation
SabotagePip+{20/40/60/80/100}% damage to objectives and player-made defenses
ScorchPip{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s
Shell ShockPipno description
Snowballpip{4/8/12/16/20}% chance to slow enemies by 50% for 2s
SprintPip[Scurry.] {10/20/30/40/50}% bonus Movement Speed.
StabilizePip+{4/8/12/16/20}% weapon accuracy
Thunderous GracePipno description
Tracer RoundsPip[Elixir.] Weapon shots travel {50/100/150/200/250}% faster.
TranquilizerPip4/8/12/16/20% chance to disorient enemies for 2s.
TyrannyPip+1% damage for each {5/4/3/2/1}% missing of your enemy’s Health
Victory RushPip+{20/40/60/80/100}% Atk Spd and +{10/20/30/40/50}% Move Spd for 4s after a kill


[Legendary] Chain ReactionRuckusDeal 50% more damage per shot. If the target is on Fire, they explode dealing 250 damage.
[Ultra] Battle FocusRuckus+{16/32/48/64/80}% Attack Speed
[Ultra] BerserkRuckus{0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
[Ultra] CelerityRuckus[Dual Fire.] +{30/60/90/120/150}% Attack Speed.
[Ultra] EvolveRuckus+{20/40/60/80/100}% maximum Health.
Achilles HeelRuckus+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are slowed
Acid RoundsRuckus+{2/4/6/8/10} bonus damage per hit and Poison target reducing healing by 50%
Acid RoundsRuckus4/8/12/16/20% chance to reduce healing by 100% and increase damage taken by 20%.
Anti-AirRuckus+{25/50/75/100/125}% more damage to targets in the air.
Armor PiercerRuckus[Dual Fire.] {15/30/45/60/75}% more weapon damage.
Battle FocusRuckusBoost your attack speed by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Battle FocusRuckus+{8/16/24/32/40}% Attack Speed
BerserkRuckus{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
BiohazardRuckus{2/4/6/8/10}% chance to deal 232 dmg over 4s and reduce healing by 50%
BlessedRuckusHeals are {20/40/60/80/100}% more effective on you.
BloodlustRuckus{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% more damage for each 1% missing of your Health.
Break FreeRuckus[Hover.] Break all Crowd Control and Status Effects, and become immune to new ones for {2/4/6/8/10}s.
CelerityRuckus[Dual Fire.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed.
ChronosRuckusYour abilities refresh {20/40/60/80/100}% faster.
ComebackRuckusCards recharge {20/40/60/80/100}% faster
Dark EnergyRuckusDeal full damage {40/80/120/160/200}% farther away
DiminishRuckusNo description
EvolveRuckusHeals are {20/40/60/80/100}% more effective on you.
Exit StrategyRuckusExit combat {18/36/54/72/90}% faster.
FalloutRuckus[Emitter.] Reduce incoming damage by {10/20/30/40/50}%.
FateRuckus{8/16/24/32/40}% chance to deal double weapon damage
FinisherRuckus+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are stunned
ForethoughtRuckus+{5/10/15/20/25}% more experience
FrostbiteRuckus{1/2/3/4/5}% chance to slow by 50% and deal 150 damage over 3s
FrostfireRuckus5/10/15/20/25% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s.
GatherRuckusHealth drops restore {20/40/60/80/100}% more Health instantly.
GlaciateRuckus{1/2/3/4/5}% chance to freeze enemies for 1.25s.
HeadstrongRuckusTake 3/6/9/12/15% reduced damage for each nearby enemy
HeadstrongRuckus{150/300/450/600/750} damage shield while mounted.
ImpactRuckus[Hover.] +{12/24/36/48/60}% damage for 4s upon activation
InflameRuckus{1/2/3/4/5}% chance to deal 10% of your target’s maximum Health over 3s
Kill to HealRuckusKills restore {20/40/60/80/100}% of your maximum Health.
KillstreakRuckus+{2/4/6/8/10}% damage per kill, max 5. Expires on death.
King of the HillRuckusMitigate damage by 10/20/30/40/50% while near an objective.
King of the HillRuckus{6/12/18/24/30}% reduced damage while near an objective.
Life RiperRuckus+{10/20/30/40/50}% Lifesteal with weapon attacks
LightblastRuckus4/8/12/16/20% chance to blind enemies for 2s.
Master RidingRuckus+{20/40/60/80/100}% Movement Speed while mounted and mount 2x faster.
MasterfulRuckusConsecutive attacks stack increasing damage by {1.6/3.2/4.8/6.4/8}% (max 6 stacks)
Mortal WoundRuckusNo description
NanotechnologyRuckus[Emitter.] Heal for {70/140/210/280/350} each second.
NimbleRuckusYou move 10/20/30/40/50% faster.
NimbleRuckus+{7/14/21/28/35}% Movement Speed
OvercomeRuckusArea damage is 10/20/30/40/50% less effective against you.
OvercomeRuckusTake {5/10/15/20/25}% less from area damage
PrecisionRuckusDeal 30/60/90/120/150% more damage to farther targets.
ProximityRuckus[Dual Fire.] Deal {20/40/60/80/100}% bonus damage to close targets.
Queen of the HillRuckusGain 250/500/750/1000/1250 HP5 while near an objective.
Queen of the HillRuckus+{150/300/450/600/750} HP5 while near an objective
Quick DrawRuckus[Hover.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed for 4s upon activation
ReconstructRuckus[Dual Fire.] Gain perfect accuracy and lasts {20/40/60/80/100}% longer.
ResilienceRuckus-{20/40/60/80/100}% duration of crowd control and negative status effects
SabotageRuckus+{20/40/60/80/100}% damage to objectives and player-made defenses
ScorchRuckus{1/2/3/4/5}% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s
Shell ShockRuckusNo description
SnowballRuckus{1/2/3/4/5}% chance to slow enemies by 50% for 2s
StabilizeRuckus+{4/8/12/16/20}% weapon accuracy
Thunderous GraceRuckusDeal {0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1}% of target’s maximum Health per hit
Tracer RoundsRuckus[Dual Fire.] Weapon shots travel {50/100/150/200/250}% faster.
TranquilizerRuckus4/8/12/16/20% chance to disorient enemies for 2s.
TyrannyRuckus+1% damage for each {5/4/3/2/1}% missing of your enemy’s Health
Victory RushRuckus+{20/40/60/80/100}% Atk Spd and +{10/20/30/40/50}% Move Spd for 4s after a kill
WardenRuckus[Emitter.] Attacks that deal over {50/40/30/20/10}% current Health are halved.


[Legendary] Chain ReactionSkye+{4/8/12/16/20} bonus damage. If the target is on Fire, deal {14/28/42/56/70} area damage.
[ULTRA] Battle FocusSkye+{16/32/48/64/80}% Attack Speed
[ULTRA] BerserkSkye{0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
[Ultra] CeleritySkye[Poison Bolts.] +{30/60/90/120/150}% Attack Speed.
[ULTRA] EvolveSkye+{20/40/60/80/100}% maximum Health.
Achilles HeelSkye+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are slowed
Acid RoundsSkye+{3/6/9/12/15} bonus damage per hit and Poison target reducing healing by 50%
Acid RoundsSkye4/8/12/16/20% chance to reduce healing by 100% and increase damage taken by 20%.
Anti-AirSkye+{25/50/75/100/125}% more damage to targets in the air.
Armor PiercerSkye[Poison Bolts.] {15/30/45/60/75}% more weapon damage.
Battle FocusSkye+{8/16/24/32/40}% Attack Speed
Battle FocusSkyeBoost your attack speed by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Battle FrenzySkyeConsuming a health drop lowers all cooldowns by {20/40/60/80/100}%.
BerserkSkye{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
BiohazardSkye{2/4/6/8/10}% chance to deal 232 dmg over 4s and reduce healing by 50%
BlessedSkyeHeals are {20/40/60/80/100}% more effective on you.
BloodlustSkye{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% more damage for each 1% missing of your Health.
Break freeSkye[Stealth.] Break all Crowd Control and Status Effects, and become immune to new ones for {2/4/6/8/10}s.
CeleritySkye[Poison Bolts.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed.
ChronosSkyeYour abilities refresh {20/40/60/80/100}% faster.
CloakSkye[Stealth.] Lasts {2/4/6/8/10}s longer, and immediately exits combat on use.
ComebackSkyeCards recharge {20/40/60/80/100}% faster
Dark EnergySkyeDeal full damage {40/80/120/160/200}% farther away
DeceptionSkye[Stealth.] 20/40/60/80/100% chance to spawn a decoy that attacks enemies.
DiminishSkyeNo Description
EvolveSkye+{10/20/30/40/50}% maximum Health.
Exit StrategySkyeExit combat {18/36/54/72/90}% faster.
FateSkye{8/16/24/32/40}% chance to deal double weapon damage
FinisherSkye+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are stunned
ForethoughtSkye+{5/10/15/20/25}% more experience
FrostbiteSkye{1.5/3/4.5/6/7.5}% chance to slow by 50% and deal 150 damage over 3s
FrostfireSkye5/10/15/20/25% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s.
GatherSkyeHealth drops restore {20/40/60/80/100}% more Health instantly.
GlaciateSkye{1.5/3/4.5/6/7.5}% chance to freeze enemies for 1.25s.
HeadstrongSkyeTake 3/6/9/12/15% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
HeadstrongSkye{2/4/6/8/10}% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
ImpactSkye[Stealth.] +{12/24/36/48/60}% damage for 4s upon activation
InflameSkye{1.5/3/4.5/6/7.5}% chance to deal 10% of your target’s maximum Health over 3s
InsurmountableSkye{150/300/450/600/750} damage shield while mounted.
Kill to HealSkyeKills restore {20/40/60/80/100}% of your maximum Health.
KillstreakSkye+{2/4/6/8/10}% damage per kill, max 5. Expires on death.
King of the HillSkyeMitigate damage by 10/20/30/40/50% while near an objective.
King of the HillSkye{6/12/18/24/30}% reduced damage while near an objective.
Lethal TriadSkyeno description
Life RipSkye+{10/20/30/40/50}% Lifesteal with weapon attacks
LightblastSkye4/8/12/16/20% chance to blind enemies for 2s.
Master RidingSkye+{20/40/60/80/100}% Movement Speed while mounted and mount 2x faster.
MasterfulSkyeConsecutive attacks stack increasing damage by {1.6/3.2/4.8/6.4/8}% (max 6 stacks)
Mortal WoundSkyeNo Description
MutilateSkye[Time Bomb.] Deal {100/200/300/400/500} bonus damage.
NimbleSkyeYou move 10/20/30/40/50% faster.
NimbleSkye+{7/14/21/28/35}% Movement Speed
OvercomeSkyeArea damage is 10/20/30/40/50% less effective against you.
OvercomeSkyeTake {5/10/15/20/25}% less from area damage
PrecisionSkyeDeal 30/60/90/120/150% more damage to farther targets.
Queen of the HillSkyeGain 250/500/750/1000/1250 HP5 while near an objective.
Queen of the HillSkye+{150/300/450/600/750} HP5 while near an objective
Quick DrawSkye[Stealth.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed for 4s upon activation
ResilienceSkye-{20/40/60/80/100}% duration of crowd control and negative status effects
SabotageSkye+{20/40/60/80/100}% damage to objectives and player-made defenses
ScorchSkye{1.5/3/4.5/6/7.5}% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s
Shell ShockSkyeNo Description
SnowballSkye{1.5/3/4.5/6/7.5}% chance to slow enemies by 50% for 2s
StabilizeSkye+{4/8/12/16/20}% weapon accuracy
Thunderous GraceSkyeNo Description
Tracer RoundsSkye[Poison Bolts.] Weapon shots travel {50/100/150/200/250}% faster.
TranquilizerSkye4/8/12/16/20% chance to disorient enemies for 2s.
TyrannySkye+1% damage for each {5/4/3/2/1}% missing of your enemy’s Health
Victory RushSkye+{20/40/60/80/100}% Atk Spd and +{10/20/30/40/50}% Move Spd for 4s after a kill

Warrior / Monty

[Legendary] Chain ReactionWarrior+{10/20/30/40/50} bonus damage. If the target is on Fire, deal {35/70/105/140/175} area damage.
[Ultra] Battle FocusWarrior+{16/32/48/64/80}% Attack Speed
[Ultra] BerserkWarrior{0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
[Ultra] CelerityWarrior[Recovery.] +{30/60/90/120/150}% Attack Speed.
[Ultra] EvolveWarrior+{20/40/60/80/100}% maximum Health.
Achilles HeelWarrior+25/50/75/100/125% damage to targets that are slowed
Acid RoundsWarrior4/8/12/16/20% chance to reduce healing by 100% and increase damage taken by 20%.
Acid RoundsWarrior+{1/2/3/4/5} bonus damage per hit and Poison target reducing healing by 50%
Anti AirWarrior+{25/50/75/100/125}% more damage to targets in the air.
Armor PiercerWarrior[Recovery]. 15/30/45/60/75% more weapon damage.
Battle FocusWarriorBoost your attack speed by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Battle FocusWarrior+8/16/24/32/40% Attack Speed
Battle FrenzyWarriorConsuming a health drop lowers all cooldowns by 20/40/60/80/100%.
BerserkWarrior0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
BiohazardWarrior{1/2/3/4/5}% chance to deal 232 dmg over 4s and reduce healing by 50%
BlessedWarriorHeals are 20/40/60/80/100% more effective on you.
BloodlustWarrior0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5% more damage for each 1% missing of your Health.
Break FreeWarrior[Leap.] Break all Crowd Control and Status Effects, and become immune to new ones for {2/4/6/8/10}s.
CelerityWarrior[Recovery]. +15/30/45/60/75% Attack Speed.
ChronosWarriorYour abilities refresh 20/40/60/80/100% faster.
ComebackWarriorCards recharge 20/40/60/80/100% faster
Dark EnergyWarriorDeal full damage 40/80/120/160/200% farther away
DiminishWarriorNo Description
EvolveWarrior+10/20/30/40/50% maximum Health.
Exit StrategyWarriorExit combat 18/36/54/72/90% faster.
FinisherWarrior+25/50/75/100/125% damage to targets that are stunned
ForethoughtWarrior+5/10/15/20/25% more experience
FrostbiteWarrior{1/1.5/2/2.5/3}% chance to slow by 50% and deal 150 damage over 3s
FrostfireWarrior5/10/15/20/25% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s.
GatherWarriorHealth drops restore 20/40/60/80/100% more Health instantly.
GlaciateWarrior1/1.5/2/2.5/3% chance to freeze enemies for 1.25s.
HeadstrongWarriorTake 3/6/9/12/15% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
HeadstrongWarrior2/4/6/8/10% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
ImpactWarrior[Leap]. +12/24/36/48/60% damage for 4s upon activation
InflameWarrior{1/1.5/2/2.5/3}% chance to deal 10% of your target’s maximum Health over 3s
InsurmountableWarrior150/300/450/600/750 damage shield while mounted.
Kill to HealWarriorKills restore {20/40/60/80/100}% of your maximum Health.
KillstreakWarrior+2/4/6/8/10% damage per kill, max 5. Expires on death.
King of the HillWarrior6/12/18/24/30% reduced damage while near an objective.
King of the HillWarriorMitigate damage by 10/20/30/40/50% while near an objective.
Life RipWarrior+{10/20/30/40/50}% Lifesteal with weapon attacks
LightblastWarrior4/8/12/16/20% chance to blind enemies for 2s.
Master RidingWarrior+20/40/60/80/100% Movement Speed while mounted and mount 2x faster.
MasterfulWarriorConsecutive attacks stack increasing damage by 1.6/3.2/4.8/6.4/8% (max 6 stacks)
Mortal WoundWarrior4% chance * -20% Healing
NimbleWarriorYou move 10/20/30/40/50% faster.
NimbleWarrior+7/14/21/28/35% Movement Speed
OvercomeWarriorArea damage is 10/20/30/40/50% less effective against you.
OvercomeWarriorTake 5/10/15/20/25% less from area damage
PrecisionWarriorDeal 30/60/90/120/150% more damage to farther targets.
Queen of the HillWarriorGain 250/500/750/1000/1250 HP5 while near an objective.
Queen of the HillWarrior+150/300/450/600/750 HP5 while near an objective
Quick DrawWarrior+15/30/45/60/75% Attack Speed for 4s upon activation
ResilienceWarrior-20/40/60/80/100% duration of crowd control and negative status effects
SabotageWarrior+20/40/60/80/100% damage to objectives and player-made defenses
ScorchWarrior{1/1.5/2/2.5/3}% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s
Seismic WaveWarrior[Leap]. Disorients enemies for 0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4s
Shell ShockWarriorNo Description
StabilizeWarrior+4/8/12/16/20% weapon accuracy
Thunderous GraceWarriorDeal 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5% of target’s maximum Health per hit
Tracer RoundsWarrior[Recovery]. Weapon shots travel 50/100/150/200/250% faster.
TranquilizerWarrior4/8/12/16/20% chance to disorient enemies for 2s.
TyrannyWarrior+1% damage for each 5/4/3/2/1% missing of your enemy’s Health
Victory RushWarrior+20/40/60/80/100% Atk Spd and +10/20/30/40/50% Move Spd for 4s after a kill



[ULTRA] Battle FocusWog+{16/32/48/64/80}% Attack Speed
[ULTRA] BerserkWog{0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
[Ultra] CelerityWog[Chain Lightning.] +{30/60/90/120/150}% Attack Speed.
[ULTRA] EvolveWog+{20/40/60/80/100}% maximum Health.
Achilles HeelWog+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are slowed
Acid RoundsWog4/8/12/16/20% chance to reduce healing by 100% and increase damage taken by 20%.
AnvilWog[Surge.] Blind enemies for {.4/.8/1.2/1.6/2}s upon activation.
Armor PiercerWog[Chain Lightning.] {15/30/45/60/75}% more weapon damage.
Battle FocusWogBoost your attack speed by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Battle FocusWog+{8/16/24/32/40}% Attack Speed
Battle FrenzyWogConsuming a health drop lowers all cooldowns by {20/40/60/80/100}%.
BerserkWog{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% Attack Speed for each 1% missing of your Health.
BlessedWogHeals are {20/40/60/80/100}% more effective on you.
BloodlustWog{0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5}% more damage for each 1% missing of your Health.
CelerityWog[Chain Lightning.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed.
ChronosWogYour abilities refresh {20/40/60/80/100}% faster.
ComebackWogCards recharge {20/40/60/80/100}% faster
Dark EnergyWogDeal full damage {40/80/120/160/200}% farther away
DiminishWogno description
DischargeWog[Surge.] Deal {70/140/210/280/350} damage to enemies upon activation.
ElectrocutionWog[Storm.] Instantly kills enemies below a certain health threshold. Enemies who survive take extra damage.
EvolveWog+{10/20/30/40/50}% maximum Health.
Exit StrategyWogExit combat {18/36/54/72/90}% faster.
FinisherWog+{25/50/75/100/125}% damage to targets that are stunned
ForethoughtWog+{5/10/15/20/25}% more experience
FrostfireWog5/10/15/20/25% chance to deal 320 damage over 4s.
GatherWogHealth drops restore {20/40/60/80/100}% more Health instantly.
GlaciateWog{1/1.5/2/2.5/3}% chance to freeze enemies for 2s.
Ground LoopWog[Portal.] 20/40/60/80/100% chance to create a portal at your origin after teleporting.
HeadstrongWogTake 3/6/9/12/15% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
HeadstrongWog{2/4/6/8/10}% reduced damage for each nearby enemy.
Healing RainWog[Totem.] Lasts 3s longer and heals +{6/12/18/24/30}% of maximum Health.
ImpactWog[Surge.] +{12/24/36/48/60}% damage for 4s upon activation
InsurmountableWog{150/300/450/600/750} damage shield while mounted.
KillstreakWogno description
King of the HillWogMitigate damage by 10/20/30/40/50% while near an objective.
King of the HillWog{6/12/18/24/30}% reduced damage while near an objective.
LightblastWog4/8/12/16/20% chance to blind enemies for 2s.
Master RidingWog+{20/40/60/80/100}% Movement Speed while mounted and mount 2x faster.
MasterfulWogConsecutive attacks stack increasing damage by {1.6/3.2/4.8/6.4/8}% (max 6 stacks)
Mortal WoundWogno description
NimbleWogYou move 10/20/30/40/50% faster.
NimbleWog+{7/14/21/28/35}% Movement Speed
OvercomeWogArea damage is 10/20/30/40/50% less effective against you.
OvercomeWogTake {5/10/15/20/25}% less from area damage
PrecisionWogDeal 30/60/90/120/150% more damage to farther targets.
Queen of the HillWogGain 250/500/750/1000/1250 HP5 while near an objective.
Queen of the HillWog+{150/300/450/600/750} HP5 while near an objective
Quick DrawWog[Surge.] +{15/30/45/60/75}% Attack Speed for 4s upon activation
ResilienceWog-{20/40/60/80/100}% duration of crowd control and negative status effects
SabotageWog+{20/40/60/80/100}% damage to objectives and player-made defenses
Shell ShockWogno description
StabilizeWog+{4/8/12/16/20}% weapon accuracy
Thunderous GraceWogDeal {0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5}% of target’s maximum Health per hit
Tracer RoundsWog[ Chain Lightning.] Weapon shots travel {50/100/150/200/250}% faster.
TranquilizerWog4/8/12/16/20% chance to disorient enemies for 2s.
TyrannyWog+1% damage for each {5/4/3/2/1}% missing of your enemy’s Health
Victory RushWog+{20/40/60/80/100}% Atk Spd and +{10/20/30/40/50}% Move Spd for 4s after a kill


Card / Ability icons (No way to know which one belongs to)

Card Assets





About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

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