A lot of new skins and first call of Celtic Event coming in 2017.
Post is now under working phase, this means I’m still working in this and not finished yet. Please check back in a few mins.
Also, follow @SmiteDatamining for up to date news
Remember Post is also added to Reddit, if you prefer leaving a comment there I read them all! – Link to Reddit Post
Smite Board – 3D Models & Voice Packs
As last patch was mentioned, I opened a new site called Smite Board where you can hear the voice packs, simulate the VGS commands and check the models.
- Hun.Bat Hun Batz
- Enyo Bellona
- Laughing Skull Bakasura
- Face Crusher Cabrakan
- Twittch Janus
- No voice pack
- 3D Model
- Rivals Loki
- Rivals is esports related
- No voice pack
- 3D Model
New Skins
- Ares (Skin 6 – New FX)
- Artemis (Skin 7 – New FX)
- Athena
- G84 Skin 2
- G84 Cutesy
- Hou Yi
- Ra (Skin 7 – New FX)
- Raijin (Skin 4 – New FX)
- Banana Wall in hand?
- Skadi
- Terra (Skin 3 – New FX)
- Thor (CarThor)
- Ymir Voxel Test (From last datamining)
- Pedestal
- Face It Ward
Please read 3.23 Datamining for more and previous G84 info.
- Unknown info?
- effect lifetime pet lifetime to be safe
- General Info
- Has a Decoy
- Pet can expire
- Swap control to pet
- Passive
- CC
- Stack
- Ability 1 –
- AOE Damage
- Ground Target
- Can jump while firing?
- Ability 2 –
- Combo (2 Hits)
- Ground Target
- Mark
- Projectile
- Has a timer
- Fizzle
- Ability 3 –
- Spawn pet
- Ability 4 –
- Spawn pet
- There’s an option to control your pet, I’m still unsure but it may have an execute, it would work like drogoz ultimate in paladins?
Season 4 Changes
For previois info please check 3.23 datamining.
- Still working
EGY Clash
- Apophis Entrance
- Deals 225 damage over 3 seconds and slows by 15%
- Baboon
- Fire Elemental
- Harpy
- Hyena
- Enhanced Hyena
- Jungle Buff – Shield
- Phoenix appears as V3, so maybe a rework of them
- Also the normal brute and warriors
Promotional Content / Misc
- CelticEvent
- Frame
- Music Theme
- Pedestal
- Discounts
- 25% off Electrolights Chest
- 75% off any Emote
- 50% off any Bakasura Emote
- Smite Tactics Founder’s Pack
- Tactics Avatar
- Tactics Frame
- Still Razer Chests from 3.23 Datamining
- Twitch Prime Exclusive
- We already know Janus skin
- You must be level 10 to purchase this item.
- You cannot purchase this item from your region.
- Your Twitch account is not properly linked to your Hi-Rez account. Please relink your accounts at https://www.hirezstudios.com/link/
- Please refer to 3.23 Datamining for Pantheon content