Skins – Voice Packs
Reddit post if anyone want to discuss the voicepacks.
- HSS – Hel NEW!
- TVB – Thor Veil Bride
- Snufflebox guess: There’s a story in Norse mythology where Thor dresses up as Freya to trick one of the Frost Giants that stole Mjolnir to marry hi
- AKC – Awilix
- BY1 – Baba Yaga 1
- BY2 – Baba Yaga 2
- BY3 – Baba Yaga 3
- DJS – Da Ji
- HBRR – Hun Batz or He Bo?
- MA – Mulan Armored
- Snufflebox told me there was a skin that should look more similar to the concept. Image below.
Skins – Cards
No skins cards as they upload them in steam. Anyway stay updated in @SmiteDatamining
Next Reveal
Some Cards / Voice packs may be coming later, check @SmiteDatamining
There’s no more content available, will update if there is.