Sunday , 10 March 2024

SMITE 25 October Nox PTS Datamining v2 – New Kali odyssey skin model, new ward model, voice packs..

Second part of the PTS Datamining. Since it’s been more than 24h i find making a new post is way better than editting current one.

Alien Kali

New Voice Packs

Odyssey Next items

Greek Odyssey Temple

Treasure Chest Ward

This doesn’t mean he’s gonna be a Ward, since he’s too big. Maybe it’s the one they used for the home screen, but I wonder why it was named as Ward then.


  • Initial Post: 16:20 (Madrid, Spain). –>> No post update expected.

About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

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Smite 10.13 Datamining – Year 11

Season 10.13 PTS Datamining


  1. greek skin? = probably the new chronos skin.
    I’m so disappointed. It’s not what i -well- expected!

  2. How do you manage to datamine smite? When I try to load .upk files into udk, I need to either fully load them or import them. Fully loading ANY of those .upk files crashes udk, importing doesn’t show the files, and opening an external package says that there are textures and materials missing that I cant find anywhere with the rest of the .upk files. I am really only interested in taking a closer look at the effects, if that makes any difference. Thanks for any help you can give me.

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